As many of you know I am not enamored with the oft repeated saying: "If you get in a knife fight expect to be cut." The reason is that this saying condemns even the highly skilled knife fighter to be wounded disfigured disabled or even killed if ever forced to put his training with a blade to the test. This is why for the past ten years I have spent an enormous amount of time in full contact sparring with my training partners to develop a knife fighting method that allows the properly trained fighter to vanquish his enemy with minimal risk of being cut or stabbed in the process. During this developmental period I have borrowed heavily from Western Fencing and Filipino Martial Arts including Lameco Escrima Japanese Ken Jitsu and Western Boxing as well. I have even added techniques and methods that are entirely my own.
The result of this effort is a knife fighting method which stresses the avoidance of close range in favor of long range techniques aided by footwork rhythm timing speed and superior tactics and strategy. Recognizing that many of my customers can't attend our seminars on this subject I have condensed our basic course onto 3 DVD's so you can now study and train in the comfort and convenience of your own home. What's more I guarantee that if you study them faithfully and practice diligently with a training partner you will gain the skill and ability necessary to give you a huge advantage if ever forced to defend your life or a loved one's with a fighting knife.
The result of this effort is a knife fighting method which stresses the avoidance of close range in favor of long range techniques aided by footwork rhythm timing speed and superior tactics and strategy. Recognizing that many of my customers can't attend our seminars on this subject I have condensed our basic course onto 3 DVD's so you can now study and train in the comfort and convenience of your own home. What's more I guarantee that if you study them faithfully and practice diligently with a training partner you will gain the skill and ability necessary to give you a huge advantage if ever forced to defend your life or a loved one's with a fighting knife.
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